Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I'm writing again to fill a void in my life.  I have a wonderful family.  I'm married to a very good man.  We have two sweet and funny little boys, four cats, two dogs, and a ferret.  I work outside the home two days a week as a nurse, and while I love spending five days home with my little family, it does start to get to me after a while.

I need adult interaction!

It's getting better.  Honestly, it is.  My youngest is 10 months old, and it's not like he's nursing every 30 minutes anymore.  That was a rough few weeks!

Things are mostly good.  We're working toward getting completely out of debt while saving money to build a new house, all while living in my great-grandparents' old house that we inherited.  It's an adventure.  An adventure I never really wanted to embark on, but an adventure nonetheless.

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